Butcher & Banker Lahti

Minna Kainulainen, Group Manager, Osuuskauppa Hämeenmaa

Jaana Ekman and Visionary Design Partners Helsinki delivered a comprehensive design project which was completed with an uncompromising attitude and attention to detail.
All the way from the conception it was very clear that the end result would exceed all our expectations. Jaana really took our wishes into account and now we can enjoy of the incredible Butcher & Banker bar for a long time. Jaana is a true visionary and she is always capable of introducing new and imaginative ways to execute her design visions.
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Photo credit: Lassi Saijets

Butcher & Banker Lahti
Butcher & Banker Lahti
Butcher & Banker Lahti
Butcher & Banker Lahti
Butcher & Banker Lahti
Butcher & Banker Lahti
Butcher & Banker Lahti
Butcher & Banker Lahti
Butcher & Banker Lahti
Butcher & Banker Lahti
Butcher & Banker Lahti
Butcher & Banker Lahti
Butcher & Banker Lahti
Butcher & Banker Lahti