Amarillo Kotka

Mikko Virtanen, DIVISIONAL DIRECTOR, Kymen seudun osuuskauppa: TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY

From the very beginning of the renovating plans of Hotel Seurahuone it was clear that restaurant Amarillo would stay in Kotka. One of the reasons for this decision was the amazing interior and atmosphere of the newly opened Amarillo restaurant in Kuopio. It is very easy working with Jaana and she sincerely listens to the clients wishes.  Kotka’s modern karaoke, that we were able to include in the new Amarillo, serves as a good example of this. Jaana puts herself on the line so that the restaurant she designs becomes the most gorgeous in town. The Amarillo in Kotka started running smoothly on the opening day even though the rest of the hotel was still under construction. Amarillo got applause for its comfiness, functionality and freshness. Good work all in all. Respect!

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Photo credit: Lassi Saijets ja Karo Holmberg

Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka

Amarillo Karaoke

Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka
Amarillo Kotka