Amarillo Vaasa

Riku Asukas, Divisional Director, Osuuskauppa KPO, Tourism and Hospitality

Tikkari-Talo “the Lollipop House” in English in Vaasanpuistikko has had many different functions including various different restaurant concepts. Now the new era reinvented Amarillo and the completely new concept “Butcher & Banker” have brought Tikkari-talo to life like never before.
The joint project of KPO, VPDHelsinki and SOK cooperative was truly intriguing one and the common intent and determination led to an amazing end result. It was truly a real pleasure to work with VPDHelsinki on a project, where a unique vision was actually realized.

Photo credit: Mikko Lehtimäki / Mikko Lehtimäki Oy

Amarillo Vaasa
Amarillo Vaasa
Amarillo Vaasa
Amarillo Vaasa
Amarillo Vaasa
Amarillo Vaasa
Amarillo Vaasa
Amarillo Vaasa
Amarillo Vaasa
Amarillo Vaasa
Amarillo Vaasa
Amarillo Vaasa