This is Coffee House
Brand new Coffee House Kuopio
Coffee House is a chain of 16 cafes located in Finland. Let the aroma of fresh coffee and a delicious croissant or bagel bring a smile to your face. Morning, noon or night – any time is the right time. Coffee House perks up your day.
The new fresh and perky interior design concept of Coffee House cafe designed by VDP Helsinki is part of the brand new Food & Joy 1500 sqm space housing a total of six different restaurant concepts under the single roof at Sokos Kuopio.
We have been working in close cooperation with the S-Grooup development team to reform the interior design concept of the Coffee House chain. The launch of the first Coffee House in Kuopio and the entire Food & Joy project was designed and executed successfully in collaboration with Osuuskauppa PeeÄssä team.
Osuuskauppa PeeÄssä
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Photo credit: Lassi Saijets