Pirre and Jorma Löfgren, entrepreneurs of Hangaari Bar & Cafe
We already had a strong vision of a genuine aviation themed space for our bar & cafeteria, but we needed the right person to fulfill our dream. On the search we fell in love with Jaana Ekman’s amazing interior designs and knew we had to have her.
The challenge was that she was already practically fully booked and we had a very demanding project with an extremely tight schedule in our hands. However we were lucky enough to draw Jaana’s interest with our concept.
We wanted Hangaari Cafe & Bar to look and feel like the “real thing” – an airplane hangar. It had to have an authentic vibe with a rough edge. She stayed honest to our wishes and made everything come together while making us a natural extension of the wind tunnel flying area.
Jaana is a true professional with a can-do attitude and excellent project leading skills. She had to not only make us happy, but also listen to the requirements of our partners Fööni and SRV. We could not have done this without her. Getting everything done amidst the Finnish summer holiday months was a tough job, but in the end we managed to cross the finish line just in time for the opening ceremony!
We are extremely happy with the outcome and although there is still work to be done with the little details, we have already received surprising amounts of positive feedback and attention do to our interior.
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Photo credit: Maria Putaansuu