Mikko Eskelinen, Divisional director, Turun Osuuskauppa: Tourism and hospitality
Thanks to an expansion, the Mylly shopping centre is now in a completely new development cycle stage. In the development of different operations, our main goal is to improve the level of customer experience from good to the most desired in various sectors as products provided, services and service methods as for interior design solutions and the ambience. My goal was to raise the visual customer experience to a new level.
Since becoming familiar with the work quality of VDP Helsinki and Jaana Ekman I was convinced that with them we can get into new implementations and moods beyond ordinary solutions already seen elsewhere. I am very happy with her unique implementations, atmospheric, but very practical space and decoration solutions. Cooperation with VDP Helsinki and Jaana Ekman has been seamless and their enthusiasm and commitment to the project has pleased me in particular.
I hope that we can work together with VDP Helsinki and Jaana Ekman in the future within several more restaurant projects providing interesting restaurants for our clients.