This is
Teurastamon Portti
butcher shop & bistro
by Roslund
Teurastamon Portti
Teurastamon Portti is not just any average restaurant but it’s Roslund’s butcher shop and bistro in Teurastamo’s picturesque gatehouse. Teurastamon Portti was opened in 2012, where in addition to the familiar butcher shop selection, you can get a delicious home-cooked lunch & dinner (Thursday-Saturday) and meaty dishes prepared on the charcoal grill. Butcher´s Shop Roslund is a family business founded in 1935 and today the company is run by the fourth generation.
In front of and behind the gatehouse Teurastamon Portti has two huge terraces and there is also an indoor patio to allow more space for dining and the famous summer BBQ grill & bar.
Lihakauppa Roslund
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Photo credit. Riitta Sourander, Emomedia