This is Viisi Penniä
in Töölö
Viisi Penniä
It has been 90 years since there was a brewery on Mannerheimintie in Helsinki last time. But the wait is soon over as the Mad Hopper Brewery will open in Spring 2021. Mad Hopper Brewing Company will be producing annually 100 000 liters of world class quality craft beers. It will be conveniently located in the basement of Viisi Penniä Restaurant also designed by VDP Helsinki originally back in 2014. The restaurant customers of Viisi Penniä will be able to follow the production process happening in the downstairs brewery through a glass wall directly from the restaurant. VDP Helsinki has designed the interior of the new brewery and renewed Viisi Penniä.
Onniravintolat Oy
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Photo credit. Riitta Sourander, Emomedia