Look Inside

This is Raisu 

Asian Restaurant


Raisu Asian Restaurant

Raisu is located on the ground floor of Sokos department store in Kuopio. The entire ground floor is undergoing an extensive transformation and the old clothing retail space is giving way to the brand new Sokos restaurant world called FOOD & JOY. Don’t get fooled by typical retail outlet food courts, Food & Joy has nothing to do with that idea instead it will be a true restaurant world consisting of a total of 6 distinctly different restaurants concepts for Sokos department store shoppers to enjoy and revitalize themselves while shopping. Raisu will be the number one destination for sushi lovers with the largest sushi selection in town combined with amazing modern Asian restaurant decor.

Let’s talk about the decor, it’s lush with greenery. Most of the seating like chairs and benches are made of natural sand shade rattan. Upholstery and effective wall are deep forest green color. The effective wall besides the sushi bar counter is covered with a unique and beautiful wallpaper of cherry blossoms combined vivid stripes of gold. The floor tile is 60×60 in size and the look and feel of it resembles distantly industrial touch.


Osuuskauppa PeeÄssä



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Photo credit. Lassi Saijets


Raisu meetings & private functions

Raisu meetings & private functions space offers comfy seating to 25-30 people. Ideal space for events, private dining and meetings.
